Arch of Felipe V

It was built in 1742 , in the time of Felipe V. According to a tombstone that existed it is a rebuilding of another door that would be in the same place, and it is done due to the arrangement that was carried out in the ramp down the Old Bridge, whose slope was so steep that it was very difficult for carriages and even pedestrians. Thus, it was thought to pave this path by making it longer, but smoother and more conducive. This work consists of a double ashlar arch with a trapezoidal attic finished in a curved fronton, where the tombstone with a shield would be found in the center of one of the faces. Crowned with three pinnacles. On one side it has a stone seat, as a resting place on the steep slope, which the people baptized as the Armchair of the Moorish King. Until the construction of the New Bridge, this was the obligatory passage between the Market and the City, which made access through this area very difficult.
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