City ​​Hall

Old Militia Barracks, it was built in 1651, according to the inscription discovered on its façade, it was restored in 1734. It served to close and ennoble the Plaza Mayor and complete a monumental complex with the Chapter Houses, the Church Mayor, the Convents of the Poor Clares and of the Charity and the Castle. in 1818 it was extensively renovated, taking advantage of some elements from the Moorish castle, which had been destroyed by the French before their withdrawal.

Its monumental façade had a portal that reached the level of the second floor, formed by a thick semicircular arch adorned with an alfiz. The harmony of the double arches gives this building a special monumental singularity.

It currently has three floors, the lower one with windows and skylights and the remaining two with arches that give the building a geometric harmony. Inside it has a magnificent and sober plenary hall and a 16th century Mudejar coffered ceiling from an old house of the Counts of Santa Pola, donated by the Countess herself. At the back of the building were the Alhóndiga and the Granary for grain, whose premises are still there.

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